howdy_again wrote in supernatural_hs Apr 05, 2011 16:01
locker drama, oh god, oh shit, the truth comes out, oh my god, gara is doing important things, what the hell was this, twin like things, suprise mother fucker, shit got real, spoiling things in tags, this is for meg
renegadecas wrote in supernatural_hs Mar 31, 2011 21:54
what would buffy do, glee!, what the hell was this, get me the fuck out of here, make a statement, emo alert, cas loves tessa, breaking hearts all over the world, always carry salt in your purse, gleeks rule the school, rad bromance, cas misses anna forever, lunch time suckahs, dance dance, you need therapy, let's get down to business, watching you, nap time, cas is a biotch, you go glen coco, get the hell on with it
tiearibbon wrote in supernatural_hs Mar 04, 2011 06:19
good idea at the time, step one: find brain, oops~, what the hell was this, illegal in some schools, crap this is crap, i'm so sorry lilith, coach can suck my imaginary dick, halp, coach nylvester will eat you alive, bad plans all over, i smell sex and candy, kinda depressing, enjoy or die, never ever again, damn drink got spiked, improving education, back to normal